Funny Cursor is a cool playware that turns the mouse cursor into an amusing little thing. The cursor points to the direction in which it moves, so you can play around with that and rotate as you want. This kind of movement is especially elegant, like a fish in water. You can choose different themes for the cursor for a different look every time. Download and installation of new themes is made really simple and modular by this software. Once you install new themes, you can choose between them on the minimalist user interface. Problem is, there are only 3 themes available as yet. You might see more of them in the future on their website. The Funny Cursor has a different look for different actions like App start, Busy, No, Help, Hand point, Precision select and Text select. The advantage is that you can choose which ones you want to keep and which ones to let remain as they are. The available themes may be limited for now, but you can create your own cursor schemes right away with the method explained on their website. It requires no additional software. Although not very straightforward, it gives you a chance to test your creativity. Funny Cursor is a good one for download, especially since it is completely free. But it could do with some groovy animated stuff. Also, the cursor is a bit jerky.